I'm very proud of Mark - he completed the Blue Mountain Triathlon last weekend! We drove down to Monticello (exciting, right?) Friday night, he raced Saturday morning, and we drove back home Saturday afternoon. It was a whirlwind trip (if you can call 9 hours in the car a whirlwind)! I was sad it wasn't nicer weather...I pretty much froze while he was racing. I had to sit in the car because it was too cold and windy to be outside. I did brave it to try and catch a few pics / videos, but other than that I was glad I had my iPod to keep me company. The race was xx skiing, mountain biking (his best & favorite event) and running. Way to go honey! Oh I should at least mention that it was fun to stop in Moab for dinner - we tried Eddie McStiff's and enjoyed it very much. AND I am grateful that we had so much one on one time - that IS rare these days. When he asked me if I would go and support him again, I said "ask me later." I think that's still my answer for now!

The Finish Line:
The Finish Line: