Apr 25, 2008


A post on a friend's blog just reminded me of a funny thing that happened a few weeks ago...we finally made our maiden trip to IKEA and had fully enjoyed our dinner and browsing, ending up in the kids section to let our kids play around a bit. I was studying some products for a bit then turned around just in time to see Ella standing up off one of the kiddie potties and pulling up her pants. Aagh! Panic! "Ella, what are you doing?!?" ... her innocent reply: "I went potty mommy." I of course was mortified, and a couple walking past busted up laughing at my dilemma. LUCKILY after walking over and inspecting things I realized that she was just pretending and thankfully had not actually "gone" on the potty. I don't know what I would have done! I let them keep on playing although Ella was sternly reminded to keep her pants on!


  1. Love the new look of your blog!

  2. Oh, that's hilarious! That would have been awful if she actually did go. Ikea is great, isn't it? I love your new background. Where did you get it?

  3. That is so funny! I am glad that is was JUST pretend!

  4. Emily, that is the best story ever!!! Lucky she didn't go. I bet that couple went home and told all their friends about the little girl who peed in the display potty. :)

  5. Funniest story! That is so cute, I love it. It was great to run into you last weekend. Congrats again on the house.
