Monday night we met up at Grandma's then went on a really fun haunted train ride - just spooky enough for the kids and made Em squeal once or twice too :-) Then Tuesday night was our ward party with a carnival & "trick-or-trunk." With those two activities plus our pumpkin party over the weekend; school parties & parades, etc., we were all Halloweened and costumed out by Wednesday! So on Halloween night instead of trick-or-treating (we sure don't need more candy) we went to a movie!
at the train ride
Josh was a classic vampire this year - he sure looked spooky! I even left in the camera's red-eye to add to the effect.
Holly ripped her ballerina costume putting it on, so we resorted to the dress-up box and decided last minute to be Alice (in Wonderland). Luckily she was just as happy with that! Then on Tuesday she was an angel. Good thing our dress-up box has a nice variety!
Ella was the ever-popular princess Monday night and a ballerina Tuesday night - and cute as ever as both!.JPG)
I must admit that Halloween is not my favorite holiday - but I remember how much fun it was as a kid and try to make it special for my kids as well. I just try to focus on family, friends, and fun traditions and less on the scary, yucky, & sugar-filled side of it all. Now, on to more meaningful holidays!! I love Thanksgiving and Christmas and have to admit I was excited when they started playing Christmas music on the radio today...of course anyone who knows me is not surprised by that :-) I'm looking forward to the hustle and bustle of the season especially this year because it will make the rest of this pregnancy fly by (I hope!)
Okay I seriously do not recognize that little vampire as Josh! He looks great. The girls looked really cute too. Way to go on boycotting the trick-or-treating and going to the movies. No one needs as much candy as they get on Halloween night.