Well it's a good feeling to be in my 30's...not my age (yikes!) but weeks pregnant. It seems like I'm really on the downhill now. So the baby is about 15.7 inches long now, and he weighs almost 3 pounds. Ella tells me every day, in a very matter-of-fact tone, "Baby Ammon's not coming out yet...he's coming out after Christmas." Let's just hope I don't have to respond to that for too long once the holidays are over! I have done
nothing to get ready for this baby...let's hope that can wait until after Christmas too! As anxious as I am to be done being pregnant, I must admit that I love my routine right now and I'm not so prepared for a newborn to shake it up. I'm spoiled with a two-hour break each afternoon as the girls nap and Josh is at school. It will be a rude awakening!
I did find out I have low iron which I've never had to worry about before so I'm trying a healthy approach to getting more in my diet. Even though I would love to eat steak every night, I'm experimenting with the wonderful world of green drinks. I actually like them - and my kids will drink them too! Amazing! If you want to try it, simply puree a banana, a little frozen fruit, about a cup of water, and a few handfuls of fresh spinach.

I also thought it would be fun to have a little
contest to see who can guess the delivery date for the baby...just leave a comment here and the closest guess will win a prize (tbd). I'm due Jan. 22. FYI, Josh was born 11 days early (induced); Holly was born 6 days early (not induced); Ella was born 2 days early (not induced).
Steph's guess is January 18, Brandon's guess is January 21.