Wow! Who knew life with five kids would be so hard! I am amazed at how much things changed by adding #5. I have been busier and more tired than I ever thought possible. Tons has happened since my last post, but I will only touch on the highlights:
At the beginning of August Mark was gone for the good part of a week to scout camp and for the first time I was left on my own, days and nights, with five kids and an incredibly fussy newborn. The morning he left I was in tears. A few hours later these arrived. Need I say more?
Bryce's blessing day: September 5. It was a beautiful blessing and focused a lot on what a great missionary he'll be. Grandpa Horton gave him his outfit. It was a nice day with good support from family & a nice dinner at our house after.
Target practice with all the kids:

Cracking nuts for the "chippies"
Mark grew giant sunflowers this year - this shot is in August before the heads filled out. These were about 12 feet tall I think:
He entered his biggest head in the Utah State Fair and it took second place for size! Way to go Mark! We went up to the fair Monday, a fun family tradition, and were happy to see Daddy's ribbon! Too bad we didn't take a camera.
Today (Sept 17) - some more cute smiles: .JPG)
Other than that I have been busy keeping up with three kids' homework, Holly's jazz class, Ella's "Broadway Bound" music dance theater class (with required at-home practice), canning peaches (although I swore I wouldn't can anything this year I couldn't turn down 2 bushels of free, beautiful peaches from my Dad!), potty training Ammon (incidentally he's doing quite well, but still - ugh!) and all the other general mommy/wife duties that run me ragged! I have been able to get "out" and play volleyball with the ward a few times & although it's not at the level I would prefer, it is fun and a much needed break. Now I'm just really glad it's fall - my favorite time of year!
That blue jacket you're wearing the the yellow one your friend is wearing are both mine! Glad they're going to good use! Nice update. I need to update my blog....
ReplyDeleteToo funny Steph. The good old cabin jackets. Gotta love that place. Emily, I get tired just reading your blog. You are on overload. But Bryce is so precious. Can't wait to meet him in person. I'm ready to see him through Skype again! Hang in there...