Wow! Who knew life with five kids would be so hard! I am amazed at how much things changed by adding #5. I have been busier and more tired than I ever thought possible. Tons has happened since my last post, but I will only touch on the highlights:
At the beginning of August Mark was gone for the good part of a week to scout camp and for the first time I was left on my own, days and nights, with five kids and an incredibly fussy newborn. The morning he left I was in tears. A few hours later these arrived. Need I say more?

Ella's first day of Kindergarten...she was so proud!

Walking to school with her new friend:

Showing off her "all about me" poster:

Bryce's blessing day: September 5. It was a beautiful blessing and focused a lot on what a great missionary he'll be. Grandpa Horton gave him his outfit. It was a nice day with good support from family & a nice dinner at our house after.
Love his pouty face:
With Mom and Dad:
Can't get enough of these thumb-sucking pictures!

Mark used the bobcat to get all the [millions] of rocks out of our backyard. We are trying to get sod in [finally!] before the cold weather hits. The kids loved riding in it with Daddy:

Ammon is part tractor I think. He spent hours out there with Mark.

We had a fun trip to the cabin last weekend with our friends the Abeggs. The weather was so beautiful and a bonus of no bugs! I LOVE this picture of Mark and Bryce!

Three cute girls

Ella was so happy to have some time with her good friend Grace

I spent a good part of the time up there with Bryce like this. He slept great in the carrier:

Learning how to blow grass whistles:
Target practice with all the kids: