My boys have been busy this week! Here is Bryce last Sunday, sleeping soundly on Aunt Kristen's lap. Love the arms!

This angle of this picture makes it hard to tell, but at about two months his cousin was huge next to him!
The lighting here is horrible but I had to snap a pic of him sucking his thumb to put himself to sleep. Priceless!

Grandma and Grandpa Bishop this one's for you! He looks so cute in the little outfit you sent.

Sweet Dreams! July 17

His stats at two weeks were: 8 lb 1 oz (nearly 1 lb over his birthweight already!) and 20.5 inches (2 inches taller)
. He is growing like a weed, which is to be expected when you nurse
every 2 hours round the clock!
Ammon LOVES to hold Bryce...he is so proud to be a big brother
He is really gentle...most of the time
AND the boys had Fathers and Sons campout this weekend. They had a great time!
Holy cow Ammon grew up all of a sudden. :) Can't wait to spend lots of time with you guys at Bear Lake.