you get the chance to experience the perfect Spring day. That happened to us a few weeks ago when Mark was gone on a scout campout and I decided to take the kids to the "Baby Animal Birthday Party" at Thanksgiving Point Farm Country. As you can see the skies were blue and clear, the sun was out, and it was absolutely beautiful. This was a fun event with lots of activities for the kids. One of the favorites was the "cow train" - they drove it around the pasture and it was really bumpy which made it lots of fun...even Mommy rode it and was laughing!
Ammon still talks about the cow train...he LOVED it
Some of the babies were in cages, but we did get to pet a cute little goat
Cute little fuzzy ducklings
Bubble gum & whipped cream "pig trough"

Hooray for a great family outing!
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