Wow...lots to blog about and get all caught up. Here are a few pics from Holly's Kindergarten Graduation. It was a cute little program & they even had little caps & gowns. I can't believe how grown up she is getting. Here she is with her teacher.
These little newborn lambs were so adorable!
Not to mention pony fun & I loved that they didn't charge extra for them
Well after so much fun there has to be some hard work, right? This past weekend this was our adventure...cutting down the massive poplar in our backyard. We loved this tree - it gave us great shade and brought lots of birds to the yard...but it was getting too big & seemed to be starting to die, so decided to get it out before we get our yard all landscaped. I'm sad to lose it, but guess it was the smart thing to do. Why didn't we have the construction guys do it before our house was even up? We thought it would live longer. One of those times when you kick yourself. Oh well.
Mark & my Dad started cutting off branches and were planning to do it themselves...until they really got a handle on the size of the tree (and the danger involved) & we enlisted the help of a crane. Thank goodness - this tree was huge! More than 60 feet high with two huge main trunks. Not to mention our house, a fence, the neighbor's house, and our new playground were all withing "damage" distance. Here you can see Mark up in the tree hooking up the ball.
After the first part was cut off - this was so stressful I couldn't even watch
A shot from across the street - you can see how tall the tree was

Well then, how about a little more playing (literally!)
After the tree came down we headed up the the Hale Center Theater with Josh and Holly to watch "Treasure Island" to celebrate the completion of a good school year. It was so amazing! We all loved it. The set was incredible - even 20,000 gallons of real water off the side of the "ship" where pirates were falling in and splashing the audience. Lots of special effects too - would highly recommend it! Thanks Jessica for taking care of Ella and Ammon - they had a great time with your girls!

Wow, that was quite the update! And now tomorrow we're headed off to the cabin and you'll have to update again. Did you hear there is no running water by the way? I'm pretty bumbed about that.